Tuesday, January 31, 2012

First day on CTS Clinical

Hello my two followers and hopefully many more to come!

So the first day on CTS wasn't to bad. There is a simulant in one of the pills (Tone I believe) which I did not need a single caffeinated drink all day! Usually I need a coffee in the morning and a diet soda in the afternoon to keep me going but today wasn't too bad at all.

The only down side to this is taking a billion pills a day. Three at breakfast, three at lunch, and one at dinner. (technically four, since I have to take 3 joint pro pills to help with my crappy knees)

Well, I'm going to cut down the blog entries to a minimum, but like I said, pictures and measurements soon. After a buddy brought up the thought of getting ready for the half-marathon in October, that may be a goal I could aim for!

I'll be linking my Nike+ runs on here as well as my MyFitnessPal food intake so people can watch and yell at me for eating bad things!

Have a good night folks!

Monday, January 30, 2012

The beginning starts tomorrow!

Hello All,

I finally broke down and decided to buy a weight loss system to see if this will help jump start my weight loss goal of 200lbs. Which that is a far route to go since this morning and I weighed myself at 258lbs.

The main part of the CTS system is curving your appetite, along with helping up the metabolism. Mix this with me finally getting into running (which took technology, who would've guessed... damn you Nike and Apple for making a cool running pedometer (Nike+)) and a decent diet, curb the soda, and keeping active and I should hit my goal in no time.

If I start getting down to the 220's I'll even start P90X back up and get that rolling, which should help with the final push towards my goal.

I will provide photos soon along with all the fun measurements. Tomorrow starts the first two months of CTS Clinical.

- Topher